Compassionate Leadership Development

Building compassionate leadership teams that generate organisational growth and success

Leadership is key to the success of any organisation.

But why is being compassionate as a leader important?

Well, consider an idea for a moment: given that we spend a fifth of our lives at work, consider for yourself - would you prefer that time to be spent in an organisation where you feel supported, encouraged and cared for, with people around you who want you to develop, improve and succeed, or be stuck in an organisation in which you feel unseen, criticised, mistreated and unappreciated?

For most people, this is a no brainer. And it's the qualities of compassion - understanding, caring, strength and wanting the best for people - that leaders can harness to bring about a workplace that is conducive to getting the best out of people, whilst seeing their needs and difficulties as a central part of the process.

But can people - including leaders - be trained in and for compassion? The simple answer is YES, and that's where our compassionate leadership training comes in

Compassionate Leadership Programme (CLP)

Our compassionate leadership bring together tested leadership methodologies, neuroscience, behavioural psychology, and Compassionate Mind Training.

We partner closely with you to tailor the programme to the individuals and team culture of your organisation, ensuring that we deliver value against your business strategy and goals.

We work closely with leaders to develop specific and measurable skills in a range of compassion skills. 

These include the ability to notice, understand and empathise with difficulties and distress of colleagues, being able to tolerate distress, and finding wise ways to help and support staff manage struggles that they face at work



W.I.S.E. - Our Four Stage Model of Compassionate Leadership

Our Compassionate Leadership Programme takes a four-step approach, using the acronym WISE as a guide:

WWhy is compassion helpful as a leader?

 IInstil the skills of the compassionate mind and self-compassion

SStart to direct compassion skills towards colleagues and oneself

EEmbed compassion within the organisational culture

Each of these stages builds upon the one before, and creates the conditions, skills and practise to support leaders to become the best version of themselves.

The Three System Model

At Balo we take a multifaceted compassion focused approach to working with organisations, and bringing greater balance and well-being. 

One of the major models we use to help you understand your organisation is based on the ideas of Psychologist Paul Gilbert OBE and in particular, a model called the three system model 

This model looks at how all of us have three basic emotion systems – threat, drive and safeness. 

Unfortunately, at work these systems can get out of balance, and when they do, this can lead to a variety of problems. 

Take a look at this video which explains more.